Your Purpose
Is Calling

Share Your Gifts with the World & Join Humanity’s Great Awakening With The AUREA Community

Our Guiding Light

The Golden Path

In our time of division and chaos, it’s never been more important to embody your Truth and find your Tribe.

If we unite in community and express our Divine Gifts, we have nothing to fear, and everything to celebrate.

Together, We Make
The Matrix Irrelevant

The AUREA Tribe

Change-makers, artists, entrepreneurs. Awakening leaders on the path of purpose.

How We Serve...

Live Events

Nothing is more powerful than gathering with your tribe to share wisdom and celebrate dreams into reality with ceremony, music, and ecstatic dance.

AUREA live events are a celebration of the human spirit and the creation of a new culture of hope, freedom, and harmony with The Divine.


Great results require deep work with aligned souls on a similar path.

AUREA provides powerful online and in-person Masterminds that amplify your power to create a life of purpose and prosperity.

Together we're alchemizing our shadows, learning from extraordinary leaders, and building legacies of impact and abundance on all levels of life.


AUREA retreats are transformational experiences with expert facilitators, ancient plant medicines, and extraordinary results.

Prepare for breakthroughs in mind, spirit, and business through deep immersive experiences in amazing locations.

We Can Create The World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, If We Unite Now

Discover AUREA

AUREA is here to combine wisdom from traditions ancient and modern, business anad spirituality, north, south, east and west.

These are the days of a prophetic Great Awakening, uncovering the truths that have been hidden from us. It’s time to remember the magnificent truth: we are Divine Creators.

Join us and experience the power of transformational wisdom keepers, gifted musicians, and business leaders that know how to bring your dreams to life. 



Event AUREA I Date 9.9.22 – 9.11.22 Location Faena Hotel,



Event AUREA II: Answer Your Calling Date 6.6.23 – 6.9.23

Our Mission Is To Create Culture

It's Time to Access The Truth That's Been Hidden From You

“The Powers that be” are trying to prevent humanity’s ascension. We’re here to help you break through. 

Throughout time, humanity has advanced our consciousness through the sharing of knowledge in combination with song, dance, and celebration.

We are here to weave these masculine and feminine energies together in a new Golden Age that is alive within us all, and being expressed in the world more and more every day.

If you know the dream you’re meant to bring to the world, or if you’re still searching for clarity, we’re here for you. 

Thank You!

Since our founding in July of 2022 we have been blessed by a community of creators, artists, entrepreneurs, speakers, and partners.

Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the incredible support we’ve received from our tribe, our sponsors, and Spirit.

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Live & Virtual Attendees

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World-Class Speakers, Artists, and Musicians


Golden Age Community

AUREA Testimonials

Christa Mariah
Christa Mariah
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The Aurea Tribe creates a loving, inclusive, high-vibrational gathering of Golden Age Leaders.... I was energized, inspired, and deeply connected to so many incredible spiritual beings in this group. I also had the delightful opportunity to join their 21-day challenge, which allowed a unique opportunity to get to know so many incredible leaders in a deeper way in a safe, loving, and inspiring container....
Marjah Simon
Marjah Simon
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This was an epic weekend! Jeff and Jackson and their team brought heart-centered experts across multiple fields that elevated both the mind and the soul. Multiple breakthrough experience is waiting for you in Aurea!
Eric Balas
Eric Balas
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AUREA is a great organization! I was very fortunate to be able to attend one of their three day events live in Miami, and bring 9 of my friends along with me! That was so transformational for me personally as well as each of the people I brought with. Following it up with a 21 day challenge group online meeting 3x per week has produced amazing results in my life. Thank you so much AUREA!! I'll be back again, very much looking forward to the future!!!

AUREA's Leadership

Jackson Strong

Chief Executive Officer

“AUREA is a castle for the artists of consciousness. I can hardly believe how many extraordinary souls have been attracted to this mission. When we began we really didn’t know what we were creating. Now, we have a rapidly growing community of some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. The new Golden Age is real, and we are all creating it!”

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Ally Krenzien

Mistress of Marketing

“Our society is at a massive cross roads. We face corruption of culture, integrity, and self-expression. I’m here to help spread the good news of the new Golden Age so people snap out of the insanity of the matrix and return to their authenticity. When we do that, wealth and wonder can return to our lives in the most beautiful ways.”

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daniela fernandez aurea

Daniela Fernandez

AUREA Community Concierge

“Helping others find their own happiness gives me a deep sense of purpose and joy. Everyone has a different story and goals, but we’re all going through similar changes. My heart is filled by helping people feel comfortable as they grow and bond with themselves and the AUREA tribe. I love that every day is a new opportunity to do that!”

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Jessica Brothers

Oracle of AUREA

“The unconditional love we have within is the foundation of everything. The way we love ourselves is the way we love others and the world. My mission is to be a beacon for this feeling so others can tune into their unconditional love.”

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7.77% of all AUREA Profits Fund The Child Liberation Foundation