In Days of Darkness, A New Dawn Rises

Welcome to the New Golden Age

It's Time for Alchemy

There is a fundamental truth to our world that is often over-looked. It’s easy to miss in the midst of challenge and uncertainty. It is this: the greater the darkness, the more brilliant The Light becomes.

This opportunity for transformation is the gift that COVID, “the illuminati”, and our own shadows give us.

We’re here as catalysts to a new dawn by understanding the problems we face while building radical trust and hope for the future.

Join the AUREA Age of Alchemy Meditation Challenge by clicking below.

The Great Awakening Is Here

We’re here to create a movement of  Peaceful Warriors of The Light. Emissaries of Higher Consciousness, ready to share their gifts with the world in desperate need of them.

Join The Movement

Our mission is to bring together the wise and wonderful souls who know they’re meant to be part of the change here at these long-prophesied times. We are in the days of the re-awakening of Christ Consciousness, the Eagle-Condor Prophecy, and the Age of Aquarius.  If you know your life is meant for more, join the AUREA Age of Alchemy Meditation Challenge by clicking below.